Large 1644m2 peaceful residential lot off the main road with plenty of space away from neighbours.
Corner block with a lane behind means only one side has a house nearby, well away from the boundary.
Gentle slope down to the road – on both sides. No flooding – as we are almost on top of the Great Divide – so all drains away easily.

Established trees along the streets around this lot with emerging rainforest trees inside the boundaries offer shade and privacy, giving a feeling of seclusion despite being so close to town.

After the recent weather, it is looking particularly lush. These were taken prior to all the rain . . .

Property entry to the left – the old blue gums will and have stood the test of many winds and time

Fence? As we are releasing one of our three lots – it is not needed yet.
There will be a star picket/wire one in time – as vines and more trees will go up . .
Power line runs along Pozieres St – not connected – see here for Ergon for connection info
Water – No town water. You will need a bore or rainwater tanks
Enjoy the peaceful lifestyle that Tumoulin has on offer:
- just 6km to Ravenshoe,
- a 35km drive to Innot Hot Springs,
- 50 minute drive to Koombooloomba Dam
- as well as many other surrounding waterfalls and national parks.