About Heather Bruce

Heather Bruce Healing

What can I offer?

The voice of experience – when all else seems hopeless … life will work with you – if you let it.
Online courses that you can instantly start working on yourself – to actively change what you are seemingly STUCK with.
AND/OR – a personalised online investigation and suggestions.
If you wish to have a brief chat to determine the best way forwards
, please call me.
Phone: +61 452 407 667

My passions

~ Untangling that which holds the structure, and thus function, hostage.

~ Undoing ‘hopeless’ as it hardly ever is.
Assisting others to Wake Up on all levels – that they may also shine their lights on the world they live within.

~ Creating life resources from my life’s work to enable all to Live Well.

My life journey –  follow Nature . .
Always different – a maverick/outlier/wayfinder
This life has been totally shaped by my maternity.

Having become an accidental mum in 1977, I gave it my best shot. I could see  that my baby was possibly going to go down the chronic life-long illness path of his dad – so I made sure that this was not likely. Starting with only natural – no add ins – no jabs, no foreign ways – he had a mammalian upbringing – we had no cash, so he was worn, breastfed and reared by his parents till school.

He missed out on his dad’s horrendous asthma and eczema (not given the beginning his dad had helped heaps). He grew strong (and still at 46 has a thicket of head hair – whereas his dad was bald at 28 when I met him).

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