The common sense solutions on offer …
- Online Consultations
- Online Courses
- In-Person Courses
- Hands-on intensive care bundles (not one-off sessions).
- Meditation
- Mercier Therapy
- Heather’s Gentling Way

Your body can heal itself

“Oh my my…I signed up for the ‘What Causes Health’ course and I can see now that just in this one course there are materials for one lifetime.
Amazing! I will absorb the info in baby steps.
Thank you, Heather! “
“After months of horrendous hyperemesis, someone suggested I have an online consult with Heather. She had me turned around in less than a day – simply by suggesting I change what I was doing to worsen it. So much better with all the food ideas and general assistance. I am back to myself! “
“I purchased the Foundational Moves, and have learned sooo much!
Everyday I see improvements.
It has been 6 weeks and we have done 1-2 hours most days!
We have been working very consistently, gently undoing what has held my husbands’ body in trauma all these decades.
Blood circulation back to his feet is obvious in the colour changes,
he is sleeping soooo much better, and he looks amazing!“
Everyday I see improvements.
It has been 6 weeks and we have done 1-2 hours most days!
We have been working very consistently, gently undoing what has held my husbands’ body in trauma all these decades.
Blood circulation back to his feet is obvious in the colour changes,
he is sleeping soooo much better, and he looks amazing!“