Heather Bruce

Wise Woman ~ Common Sense Solutions

Common Sense Solutions

You found me! Like countless others, I’m guessing that you are desperate for answers. I offer common sense solutions that work – a unique blend of what has not only worked for me but everyone who took the time to do what I suggested. As a backup to my ‘magic hands’, the owner of that body and life often needs to make substantial changes. I have seen countless times how the body CAN and will help heal itself.

My 45+ years of life and professional experience were gained by helping those who apparently, have no hope.

I invite you to glean from a combination of hands-on subtle yet thorough ways to soothe and realign your body and thus your life. By working with me, you will remain within the gentle realms of gentling your whole self, in a sequence individually crafted for you on all levels . . .
* Soul
* Emotional
* Physical

The common sense solutions on offer …



Your body is screaming ‘HELP’. Maybe you have not been aware enough to help yourself. Learn how you can undo this with your own healing hands and actions.



Often your return to health and comfort is as simple as working on old scars.
YOU can release your whole self from BLOCKAGES using common sense solutions – invest in this small online course to learn how.


Easy Pregnancy

My own maternity took me on a lifetime of professional discoveries. Over the decades, as a teacher, mentor and clinician I have developed many resources.

Gain access to many sets of handy hints to lovingly use on each other to turn any trouble into a natural state of grace – simply and safely using Easy Pregnancy Resources.

Your body can heal itself

Self Help ~ easy ways to help your body repair

The first step to bodily transformation is changing your habits – this can be simplified by following a life recipe.

Using my decades of multi-modality experiences in researching and developing a system of healing that incorporates every aspect of being, we have a manual. I invite you to explore this manual (delivered in online courses) and written from the energy model that dictates how a well body works. Having designed, written and taught acupuncture courses since 1981, I have all you need to see your world differently.

Using my calm, gentle direction in the online courses, we follow nature to move your Qi. Through body-aligning visceral corrections, scar mobilisation and fascial releases, lymph and blood flows are restored to perfect state.

By taking care of the nutrients needed to better fuel and repair, and by normalising your circulation, you will be astonished at how simple it is to turn your health around. Discover what you can do for yourself.

Answers to your
hard questions

Womb/Prostate alignment is likely to be at the root of everything in your body that is being tricky. Who attends to your life to date? Have you resolved the residue of all those “incidents” and life lived thus far?

Mercier Therapy offers fascial and gyno-visceral corrections to enhance pelvic, hormonal and digestive functions. This approach is especially for those who may have ‘given up’ having been through too many surgical incidents, or those who have struggled to obtain structural alignment.

Family Life

Welcome to what works!
Nature has all the ways to help you transition from two to three – when you let life flow …

This collection allows you to explore and enhance wellness – not only in pregnancy – but in and through any life stage.

~ IF  you want to take charge, access this free taster, “What if something goes right?’
~ IF you trust birth, here is your guide.
~ IF you are considered ‘very high risk’ obstetrically – please reach out directly.

Or maybe babies are not yet with you. Shall we take the total health approach with BOTH of you? You want the best possible, so if nature currently is saying “NO!”, it’s time to find out why by scheduling a consult. It is highly likely that a few simple tweaks of your life will return you to a state of grace.

Book a Common Sense Health Consultation

Call Heather on +61 452 407 667
and / or


Talk to Heather

Once you have committed to being your own health advocate and have dispensed with what has not served you, or if you want a second opinion, perhaps you may want to check if we are a good fit. Remember, your body CAN and WILL help heal itself.

I invite you to start your healing journey with an online consult that gives you the recorded Zoom hour, plus a page of my suggestions and how to go about retrieving your good humour and health. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE


Usually in Tumoulin Qld 4888 Australia
Traveling southwards 2025 from early April for a month
Stops – SEQ Brisbane, Gold Coast,
NSW – Myocum, Cowra, Wagga
ACT, Vict Grampians and back north . . .


Phone: +61 452 407 667
Email: heather@heatherbruce.com.au

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